Though dark night closes around, we will not be afraid. For you, O Lord, are our strength and refuge. Whatever may come, good or ill may we praise and glorify your name!
Let us not forget, that it was on the bleakest of all nights, when all hope seemed in vain, that Love himself conquered and triumphed!
Therefore, we must not fear. The battle has already been won! If we but cooperate with Christ's grace, we will be able to convert the world! How blest we are to be able to suffer in union with our Divine Lord! Now more than ever we will find that mediocrity is not an option. We must be saints! But what a time to be saints!
Ours is a culture which has rejected The Cornerstone--a culture which worships the creature rather than the Creator. Brothers and sisters in Christ, we face a culture which is not unlike that which the first Christians encountered. And our task is very much the same! We must go out to the four corners of the world and proclaim the goodness of God!
Odds are, like the early Christians, we will be persecuted. But what a joy it is to give all to God our Savior! Whether or not that means shedding our blood--only God our Father knows. Yet he is that--Our Father!--and "all things work for good for those who love God..." (Rom 8:28) Though all may appear to be collapsing, we must have hope. I say again, remember Good Friday!
When all hope seemed lost, when everyone was scattered and the King himself publicly mocked, humiliated and murdered, that is when Love triumphed.
It may be that we live to see a new culture of life, but it also may be that we all called home to our Father God during these dark days ahead. May his name be praised! Whatever he may want, at any moment, Fiat! let it be done! Though I walk in the dark valley, I fear no evil; for you are at my side... (Ps 23:4)
He is here and will walk us through the night. We are not alone.
Let us ask the intercession of the first Christians as we face this difficult time. May we imitate them by living our lives totally united to Christ even if that means giving our life for love of him.