- The blog is up! Finally! I still have to modify the title design, but in terms of functionality- Little Dorrit's Diary is up and running!
- Have you heard of Just for Laughs? Apparently, it consists of people from Canada and Great Britain who perform gags or pranks on the unsuspecting public in order to make people laugh. There are so many, and they are each so hilarious that I will have to moderate how often I can watch them! Most of the videos are clean, and I heartily recommend them! (It is usually apparent in the title if it is not clean/family friendly). Here is one of my favorites:
- Holy week is next week?! How on earth did that happen? Or rather when did that happen?! Wow.
- If you have any questions about makeup essentials/want recommendations regarding makeup check out this post by Jennifer Fulwiler. It's totally worth the read!
- While making a visit the other day, bombarding God with over-stipulated prayers, I happened to overhear the simple, fervent prayer of a lady behind me: "Help us, Lord!" She was not trying to be overly pious or showy; I do not even think she realized she uttered it aloud. But, the simplicity of her prayer struck me, providing a huge contrast to the overcomplicated "demands" that I was making. Hopefully, I can learn to be more simple in prayer!
- This semester I am taking Anatomy and Physiology, and on Monday I finished my two tests on muscles! YAY! I'm done with origins, insertions, extensors, and flexors etc. Now all I have to study is breathing and circulation and I'll be done for the semester in terms of A&P!
- A quick question for the seventh quick take! There is a group of young adults going swing dancing this weekend. It is supposedly one of the biggest swing dances of the year, but because of Lent/Holy Week, I'm not sure if I want to go. What would you do?
Check out Conversion Diary for some other Quick Takes!
1 comment:
Hi Amy!
I love all the info on your blog. BTW - what is your major?
A swing dance sounds like so much fun, but I would not go. But, at your age, I know I probably would have.
As for the make-up - I love make-up and I know I look a gazillion times better when I wear it, but when I'm really striving to imitate Jesus, I stop. But then I feel ugly....ugh!
Have a blessed Easter!
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