Friday, August 26, 2011

Oh Wow.

I just had a revelation...  So, I decided I would share it with you. In fact it is so mind-blowing, I still find it hard to believe! (Actually, it involves "extremely complex" math, so you will have to make sure I did it correctly ;) )... 

Here goes:

There are 24 hours in a day, right? Therefore two days are comprised of forty eight hours (24 + 24 = 48).

Ok, so, here is my work schedule for today and yesterday:

Thursday--6:30 AM until 4:30 PM
Friday--6:00 AM until 8:44 PM

That means I worked 10 hours on Thursday and 14.73 hours today. 

+ 14.73

- 24.73
24.73 > 24 23.27
Therefore, over the past two days, I realize I have spent more time at Chic-fil-a than anywhere else. In fact, this means that in two days I have spent more than one of those days on my feet selling chicken.
Crazy, huh?
Umm, yeah. I really need to go to bed. This is too much for me to handle right now.



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