Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real


Like Mother, Like Daughter is hosting {Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real} a way of "Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life." Here's my attempt for the week!

{Pretty} Or rather beautiful: Mother Mary!
{Happy} Does it take a lot to make me happy? :)

{Funny} When toothpicks for fondue are wanting, matches will suffice!

{Real} Today I realized that my younger sister has more shoes than I do! (Several pairs are not shown as they are scattered around the *ahem* messy house--another unfortunate reality!) ;)


Leila said...

Sweet pictures! Thanks so much for joining! XOXO

S/V Mari Hal-O-Jen said...

Grape Hyacinths! I haven't seen those in years!