Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Blogging Challenge Day 3

(Haven't heard about "The Challenge"? Click here.)

Today, I thought I'd spare you my useless drivel and share a few links. 

Actually, I've been out or working all day and this is my first chance to sit down and blog... and you don't want drivel. So, links it is.

I've organized them into categories, so it'd be easier to read. However, if nothing else, I beg you, check out the last one. It's life changing. l.i.t.e.r.a.l.l.y.

  • Music - The Hunts - Indie band (Sort of Mumford & Sons and Ingrid Michaelson with a unique twist) 7 siblings. Amazingly talented. 
  • Organization/Simple living - Unfortunately, Rachel doesn't update anymore, but there's tons of helpful information at Small Notebook

  • Artsy stuff - A fun blog with inspiring diy decor and crafts. As with many crafting blogs, quite a few of the projects require too much work (they look awesome), but it's fun to get ideas. Craftberry Bush

  • Religion -- Words do not suffice. God has blessed Fr. Hudgins with a gift for preaching. Daily homilies (usually 3-5 min) and lectures (~30-50 min) on a wide variety of Catholic topics. Most are downloadable and can be played on an ipod or mp3 player. Please don't miss this. (no, I don't gain anything by promoting this, I've just benefitted so much from it. Praise God! :) )

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